Funny farm goat cheese mac and cheese
Funny farm goat cheese mac and cheese

funny farm goat cheese mac and cheese

Part of the reason why this name is so funny is because these are two words you never thought would go together, let alone combine as the name of a cheese. Try saying the name of this cheese and keeping a straight face. In addition to Acapella, her cheeses include Pianoforte, Picoto, and Metronome. In fact, the cheesemaker for Andante Dairy (sensing a trend yet?) plays a mean classical piano. To anyone who was in an a cappella group in college, this cheese can bring back many happy memories. I might have some bias towards this pitch-perfect cheese. (Want the real story behind this cheese’s name? Get it here.) 10. And the approval of the Khaleesi is something we can all envy. These dragon-named cheeses may seem strange to us, but I’m sure they have Daenerys Targaryen’s approval. What’s even more interesting about this whole dragon-and-cheese situation is that there are two cheeses named after dragons. Where is my Little Griffin cheese? Or the Little Unicorn cheese? 11. It also makes me want to find and try other mythical-beast cheeses. Even though it’s just a Little Dragon, this tarragon covered chèvre doesn’t seem ferocious enough for its name. One is a delicious food that many people love, one is a ferocious beast that many people fear. Little DragonĬheese and dragons are not things most of us associate with one another. This cheese is the shepherd’s only hope? And hope for what, exactly? Maybe it’s a bit twisted to find this funny, but something about the morbidity of this name is oddly hilarious, mainly because eating cheese is usually such a joyous experience. Honestly, I found this funny because it’s so morbid. All we need are some Lonely Hearts Club Band crackers, and we have the perfect spread to serve at our “Yellow Submarine” and/or “Across the Universe” theme parties.

funny farm goat cheese mac and cheese

The inner Beatles fan in everyone will squeal with joy at the name of this cheese.


Is this the cheese for those who actually ate dirt as a child? Or those whose favorite dessert growing up was the classic Dirt Cup (what’s not to love about chocolate pudding, cookie crumbles, and gummy worms)? Most importantly, does this cheese taste like dirt? (It doesn’t, unless dirt in your locale tastes like delicious sheep’s milk cheese.) But, aside from making you wonder where the name comes from, something about the name Dirt Lover just forces you to crack a smile. There were just so many that were too funny to leave out. In fact, they were so hilarious that this article, which started as a top ten list, became a list of 15. However, if you dig through culture’s Cheese Library, there are some other cheeses out there whose names are pretty hilarious. These are common names, and very popular cheeses. When we think cheese, we think of things like cheddar, mozzarella, brie, and parmesan.

Funny farm goat cheese mac and cheese