The game follows the story of Mickey Mouse as he goes on a daring quest to save his girl Minnie Mouse from the evil witch named Mizrabel who stole Minnie Mouse's beautyĬastle of Illusion is a Genesis game starring Mr.
#Castle of illusion 2 update
This video shows a 100% playthrough of Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (all Castle Statue Pieces, Donald's Chili Peppers and Magic Playing Cards).If. SEGA has staple-gunned a release date to its high-definition revamp of. Defeat angry chess knights overcome grizzly haunted trees and do battle with ghoulish ghosts and a deadly dragon If you recognize the name Castle of Illusion from back in the day, you should know that this remake doesn't just offer upgraded graphics, but also periodic restructuring of the classic 2D side-scrolling platforming gameplay into a 3D space.Although the graphics and gameplay are different, the storyline here is the same - dear old Minnie has been kidnapped by an evil witch and its up to you.Ĭastle of Illusion PSN dated, pre-orders come with the original classic Genesis title.
Run climb and leap your way through the vast Castle of Illusion collecting lifesaving gems as you go. You must rescue Minnie or the jealous witch will steal her beauty. Shop D&d Games Ps4 at Targetâ„ Minnie has been captured by the evil witch Mizrabel.